It’s funny how life comes full circle!

   In 2001 I attended the Art institute of Pittsburgh originally for Media Arts and Animation. At the time I didn’t think it was for me so I switched  to Industrial Design with an emphasis on special physical effects for movies. In one form or another I have always had an eye for sculpture and a fine attention to detail so I was able to excel. As the Industry began to change so did I. Realizing that the most successful artists in the working world had a foot in the physical and digital world, I decided to enhance my career by attending Carnegie Mellon’s Entertainment Technology Center. A Master’s program focused on merging right and left brained individuals in a creative space to connect digital and physical realms in innovative ways. Perfect! There, I was lucky enough to study in Australia at a satellite campus and as a whole get involved with clients that were in need of 3d artists for games.

   That being said I transitioned back into digital art and became passionate about games, specifically serious games. I always found my work with in the serious games realm satisfying as it not only utilizes my skills as an artist it makes an impact on the world as a whole. So in 2009 I went to work for Lockheed Martin to continue these pursuits through both their serious games internal research and development projects as well as conceptual visualizations of high dollar programs. After a great four and a half years I was hired by the Camber Corporation  in sunny Alabama where I have been utilizing attention to detail and love for serious games for mobile devices. 

   Even in my spare time I enjoy being an artist. When I am away from my computer I enjoy drawing, water colors and jewelry making. When not being artistic I love volunteering, paddle boarding, hiking, trail running or listening to pod casts. Of corse I enjoy playing with my dog Choie!  
